1. Name of assignment or project: Cattle Feedlot, abattoir and meat Processing Plant project in Sudan.
• Location: Sudan, Khartoum
• Year: 2018
• Client: Elnefeidi Group
• Source of Funds: African Development Bank
• Main project features: The project consists of three main
• Component including feedlot, abattoir and meet processing plant. To be able to produce yearly target of 175,000 slaughter cattle at a finish weight of 450 kg (57% dressing yield in the slaughter- line), the feedlot operations of Elnefeidi will consist of a feedlot with a standing capacity of 44,800 cattle. For the supply of feeders, two collection centres are planned in concentration areas of livestock. Each collection centre has a standing capacity of circa 600 heads. The capacity of abattoir is planned for 24 hours at 35 cattle per hour and 2 shifts with the holding capacity of 560 cattle (reception area + lairage).
• Activities performed: Feasibility study, Environmental and Social Assessment, preparation of Elnefeidi Group Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) and an Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP).